The Super Deluxe Les Mis Fan Site!!!




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Hi! I'm rondell, known for making many websites! haven't heard of me? then type! oh yeah, and the Character's page was done by me and Eponine_fan.

any way, I love les mis. so I made this site. but why am I saying it here? read the about page silly!

I have pics, props, and characters pages.

what more can ya ask for?

Listing Site Updates

Happy thanksgiving! Eponine_Fan speaking. ^-^

a friend of mine showed me this poem, and it totally reminded us of Eponine!

Every day I look your way,
A warm feeling I find inside,
But my eyes can not hold yours,
And the feeling slowly dies.

Emotions I have in store,
This love I hold for you,
But you don't see,
What we could be,
and leave me feeling blue.

So all I have,
Can offer you,
I must lock away inside,
and carry on the day ahead,
and I dream of you by my side.

But they can only offer,
A shadowed hollow form,
As I must keep these feelings bottled,
Locked away and unborn.

You shall never see them,
Nor the passions they contain,
And I will keep them out of site,
Back from where they came.

Placed upon the shelf,
With other symbols of my past,
Deep inside this bottle,
the one with tear stains,
left upon the glass.


The poll!
who do you think Marius should've chosen?

view results


Quote of the week: Fantine: "M'siure don't mock me now I pray! You were with me that fateful day!"


My thoughts:

I'm trying to make it sound like I like other characters other then eponine.............and I'm failing.


some of you may know about go gaia. well, if you have any of these items or just plain nice enough to give me a little cash, maybe time will change and eponine wont die.

log into go gaia and give me money!