Character's Page!




Guest Book





This Page gives a description of the characters in the play.



Fantine, was a woman who fell in love with a man in the summer, but once she became pregnant, he left her, she worked at a factory, and kept her daughter, Cossette a secret. She had The Thenardier's let her live in their inn, oblivious to the fact that they horribly abuse her. Fantine was fine, until the women at the factory found out about her secret daughter, and the foreman fired her. Then, homeless, broke, and a single mother, she had to sell her locket, then her hair, sold her two front teeth, and then became a prostitute, she was miserable, but she did it so that Cossette would be okay. eventually, she became ill, and while dying, Valjean promises her that Cossete will be safe, and that she can die without worry....


Cossette, daughter of Fantine, was raised in the Thenardier Inn, being abused, and forced to do the work. She lived at the inn for years, until Valjean came, and bribed the Thenardiers to let him have Cossette, after seeing that the inn was not safe for her. She was then raised as his "daughter." While at the market, she bumped into a man named Marius, he visited her later with Eponine, and they immediatly fell in love. After Thenardier tried to rob them, her father asked who was it that screamed, Cosette didn't want Marius in anymore trouble, and said it was her who screamed, and Veljean thought she saw Javert, and decided to move immediatly to Paris. Scared at what she had done, Cosette was so happy that Marius survived the rebellion, that they married as soon as he healed, at the wedding Thenardier blackmailed them, with a ring from that Marius dropped at the battle, saying Cosette's father was a murdurer and this was a victems ring, Marius thanked Thenardier by decking him in the eye, Cosette went to Valjean after finding out he was who saved Marius, he gave her a letter and then passed away. The letter told her everything that Cosette wanted to know about her past.


Eponine Thenardier, was spoiled rotten as a child, growing up at the inn. but after her parents spent their fortune on booze, they became bankrupt soon after. and she wore rags, but she met Marius one day as a teenager, and fell madly in love with him, But she was to shy to tell him, and they became only best friends, and then to her horror, he started falling in love with Cossette! heartbroken, she would sometimes at night, walk around town, imagining herself with Marius, but one day when she snuck into the barricade dressed as a boy, jst to see Marius, he gave Eponine a letter to give to Cossette, and so she did. and when she went back, she was shot, as the battle started, she died before she could tell Marius that she loved him, and she died at a young age. but Marius did kiss her when she died, her first kiss was when she was dead. how deppressing...


Jean Valjean's Rival, after giving Valjean the yellow ticket of leave, he seemed to keep a close eye on him. After ripping the ticket, Javert started hunting Valjean again to bring him to justice! Eight years later, he still searches for him, he nearly arrested Fantine, but Mayor Madeline AKA Jean Vealjean, stood up to her, later, when he thought he had caught Vlajean, he finds that the mayor was Valjean all along, and the man he had was innocent! When the barricade was built, he disguised himself as a rebel, so that he could make sure that they lose the war. he got caught by Gavroche, and to his confusion, Valjean, instead of taking advantage of Javert being held captive, and killing him, he freed him. Confused, and enraged, he knew that he couldn't bare the world, and commited suicide.


Gavroche is Eponine's little brother, the musical was kinda vague on that. Was abandoned and was raised in the dumps. He knew alot for his age and did very dangerous stunts. His motto was, "never kick a dog, because he's just a pup, we'll fight like 'hundred armies and ya better run for cover when the pup grows up!" When the barricades was built, he spied on Javert, whom he found out wasn't a rebel, he told Enjolras and was thanked deeply by all the rebels, and they tied up the traitor, Javert. Later that day, when they ran out of ammo, one of them had to pick up the loose bullets on the other side of the barricade, but none were brave enough, except Gavroche, who climbed to the other end and gave them the bullets, wich he had pull out of dead bodies and put in a bag. but he was shot twice, and died. He was absolutely to young to die, but was incredibly brave as well.


The student who started the rebellion, he was disgusted at how the peasonts were treated, and after the last Important person who showed pity to the moneyless had died, he  got the idea for a battle! All the students agreed and joined in on his plan. they built a huge wall out of hodge podge. and they called it the barricade, after that they fought! One man was shot in the arm, but none died that night, until Eponine came,  he said "she was the first to fall" the next day, Gavroche died trying to get the extra ammunition on the top of the barricade, that night they were low on ammo, and bleeding and now drunk, He may have been doomed, but he would die with his friends, then one by one they started to fall, sadly they died in vain.

The thenardiers

These two are the ones who took in Cossette, they constantly lied about her being dreadfully sick to fantine, and that she'll have to get the money for medicine. Evenutally, Jean Valjean saw them forcing Cossette outside in the dark to get some water from the well. When he tried to get Cossette away from them, they said how she was close to them, and they'd be so crushed to see her go, and that she was always sick and they had to by medecines, so that Valjean would pay them. So he gave them fifteen hundred dollars. They we're always spoiling their daughter Eponine when they were rich. but years later, after they spent all their money on booze and bets, they started to treat her like crap. They didn't really care that she died. He tried to break into valjean's mansion to get money, Eponine stopped them, by screaming really loudly so that everyone would come outside, Thenardier snuck into the sewer before anyone saw them. After the battle, he started robbing the valuables from the dead rebels, like Gavroche's watch,  gold in a rebel's tooth. Anyway, at Marius' and Cossette's wedding, he blackmailed them, to get more money. Luckily, Marius punched him in the face for that.


The character's pages Eponine, gavroche, and others were done by Eponine_fan