another charcters page?




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this is just another charcters page...


This page has the characters I didn't have in the other page.

Jean Valjean AKA Mayor Madeline AKA 24601

Jean Valjean was arrested for breaking into a house and stealing a loaf of bread for his sister. He was only supposed to be in the chain gang for five years, but he kept trying to escape, so he had to be in jail for nineteen years! After he got his Payroll, no one treated him fairly, because he was a thief. That is, except for a bishop who let him have dinner with him, and to thank him, Jean Valjean stole the bishops silver. when he tried to leave, he was Caught by Inspector Javert, he said that the bishop gave him the silver, and the Bishop lied to them saying that what he said was true. When he left, the bishop gave him two silver candlesticks, saying that he knows that Jean Valjean has some good in him. Angered by how he treated the bishop, Jean Valjean broke his payroll to start a new life. Eight years later he became mayor, and owner of a factory. He changed his name to M'sure Madeline. When there was a fight going on in the factory, he saw it was a woman fightng Fantine over a letter. he told them to calm down and settle the fight, and left it at that. He then saw that Fantine was being accused later that she attacked a man. He did not believe this and let her go, saying she needs a hospital, not a prison. He found out the day she was fighting for the letter, she lost her job, for the foreman thought she was a prostitute. Jean Valjean feeling guilty for not helping her, came to her while she was dying, Fantine gave him her daughter, Cossette. He promises that she can die without worry of her daughter. Later, he sees how badly the thenardiers treat Cossette, he pays them 1500 dollars for her. And raises Cossette as a daughter. Nine years later, he finds that Cossette has fallen in love with one of the rebels. On the day the battle started at the barricade, the thenardiers' daughter Eponine had come with a letter for cossette. She gave it to him, and he promised the girl he would give the letter to Cossette. He then later that day joins in the battle at the barricade. After Gavroche shows everyone that Javert's a traitor. he instead of killing Javert, he frees him. after the battle, he saw the boy who was in love with his daughter was still alive. so he carried him to safety, and they met up with Javert on the way. Javert owed Valjean a favor for saving him, So he let him go on. After the rebel married Cossette, valjean gave Marius and his daughter a letter saying that He was Jean Valjean, and has kept it a secret for years. when they finished reading the letter, Jean Valjean died peacefully.


Marius, lots of people think he's a jerk, but I don't think so. he starts off in the bar, with other students, Enjolras rises them all up to get ready for a war. While in the market, he bumps into Eponine, she looks at his book, and says she's quite smart too. he became bestfriends with her, but nothing more. Later, he sees Cosette, M'siure Madeline's daughter, and falls madly in love with her. Oblivious to Eponine's love for him, he asks her if she knows where that beautiful girl lives. Eponine, as much as it broke her heart, she reunited the two. Marius Thanked her for bringing him here, and started wooing Cosette. A few hours later, he hears Eponine scream, and runs outside, he saw that she scared off her family from breaking in. He introduced her to Cosette before she could run off. Jean Valjean thought that it was Cosette screaming after seeing Javert, and decides to move. At the Barricade, Marius was worried that he'd never see Cosette again. He then sees Eponine sneaking into the Barricade dressed as a boy, he scolds her for going into a dangerous place like this, and to keep her safe, he sends her to pairis, asking her to deliver a message to Cosette. Hours later in the middle of the battle, he sees that Eponine has returned! she climbs down into the barricade, bleeding. She tells Marius she gave the letter to the Cosette's father, and he promised to give the letter to Cosette. He lies her down, her last words to him were "You know M'siure Marius, I think I may have been a little in love with you..." she smiled, then died. Enjolras says she was the first to fall in the barricade. Marius and the other students stop fighting for the night, and drink. The next day, Jean Valjean joins in the battle. after the big battle, Marius woke up in Pairis, with Cosette, aparrently saved by Jean Valjean himself! he mourned of the loss of his friends. He later married Cosette, and then the thenardiers came into the wedding, blackmailing Marius. Marius thenks thenardier, by punching him. A little bit later, Cosette's father brings them into a room alone with him, and gives them a letter. Marius reads it, and finds that M'siure Madeline is actually Jean Valjean! when they finish reading the letter, Cosette's father is already in heaven, with Eponine, Enjolras, Fantine, and so on.


Pronounced Boe-ma-twa.

He wasn't in the Musical, or the book very much.Though he played a great role in Fantine's life. Bamatabois got away with practically anything he did, because he was a noble. He was horrible monster! He mocked Fantine, calling her 'Bald', 'you have no teeth' 'your a lady of the night.' He was expecting her to still take his money and do, business. then, he threw snowballs at her back. After this, she charged at him, clawing at his face with her nails. Then the cops show. When they grab Fantine, he runs away like the little coward he is.