Le Letters




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This place is just a few fake letters people used as props in the play.

letters, notes and all sorts of things'll be here

Marius' letter to cosette

The letter used for a prop to cosette.

MME. Thenardier's letter to Fantine

this looks cool, though it's in french... :'(

but this is what it is translated.

"Cosette is ill with a malady which is going the rounds of the neighborhood. A miliary fever, they call it. Expensive drugs are required. This is ruining us, and we can no longer pay for them. If you do not send us forty francs before the week is out, the little one will be dead."

Valjean's final letter to Cosette

another "would be alot cooler if in english" paper

Valjean's francs
The 500 Francs Valjean got when leaving prison
Valjean's yellow ticket of leave

so tiny....yet so horrible

Aux Arms!

One of the papers Enjolras throws in the ABC Cafe scene. Aux Armes!